AC/DC Systems is a full service Electrical Contractor and Electronic Systems Integrator with 20 years of experience in the High End Residential market, delivering results for Kaanapali, Kapalua, and the Great Maui County area since 2007.
We specialize in custom residential homes and condominiums in the new construction and remodel applications. From small homes with 100 Amp service to 20,000 Square foot Mega Custom homes with 1200 Amp power services, we can handle all projects. Delivering both smart home automation and electrical contractor services, we are well-versed in the expectations and needs of an integrated home. We blend high-voltage and low-voltage to create a sophisticated, easy to use and maintain smart home application.
AC/DC Systems also recommends and installs automatic standby generator backup systems. Living island style means depending on one source of electric power, which is extremely unreliable. It does not take much to take down the Maui power grid; rain storms, high winds, automobiles crashing into power poles, and potential cyber attack are just a few scenarios we need to prepare for. With our line of Generac Power Generators, you will never be without power to your Maui County home or business. GET A QUOTE TODAY!